
過去我和本書作者之一 Louis Rosenfeld 曾在香港 UXHK 研討會見過一面。在本書翻譯期間,我們也曾經直接跟三位作者聯繫,並邀請 Louis 為台灣出版的繁中版撰寫專序,也很高興獲得他的同意。


The polar bear is setting up shop in Taiwan, and Peter, Jorge and I are delighted.

The first edition of this book came out some twenty years ago. Since then, the world’s trove of information has grown exponentially. And so much of that information has gone stale since its release, its relevance and currency steadily decaying. Yet somehow civilization hasn’t completely collapsed. I like to think that the practice of information architecture has played at least a small role in keeping humanity afloat, and our book has played its own small role in helping IA along. We all bear a debt of gratitude to everyone—including you, dear reader—who works to improve the findability and understandability of the world’s information.

We’re also grateful to the translators. They’ve invested blood, sweat, and tears to produce this traditional Chinese edition of our book. And they’re not in it for the money—if authoring a book is a painful undertaking, translating one is even worse. Why they would take on such a project is beyond me; all I can suppose is that the translators simply are decent folk who care about making the world’s information easier to find and easier to understand. We should all be grateful for that, and to them. Thank you, Richard and Max.

Peter, Jorge, and I wish you all the very best.

—Louis Rosenfeld
Publisher, Rosenfeld Media
Brooklyn, New York, USA
October, 2017




我們也很感謝譯者,他們投入大量心力來翻譯這本繁體中文版。他們並非為錢而翻譯,因為如果創作一本書非常痛苦,那麼翻譯別人的書只會更痛苦。我無法理解為什麽他們要投入如此辛苦的計畫,我唯一想到的可能,就是兩位譯者存心良善,希望幫助世界上的資訊更容易尋獲、更容易被理解。我們都應該為此而感激他們。謝謝 Richard 與Max。


—Louis Rosenfeld
Publisher, Rosenfeld Media
Brooklyn, New York, USA
October, 2017